Ziva Gunther is a passionate and dedicated individual with a deep love for Torah and community leadership. Originally from Texas, she has spent the majority of her life in Santa Fe, NM. Over the years, she has immersed herself in the vibrant life of her home synagogue, where she has previously served as a committee chair, lay leader, Sunday school teacher, board member, and more. |

After two years of serving us, you may be wondering, What is Rebeca up to now?
I am currently studying Tanakh and Talmud at Hebrew Union College’s Beit Midrash summer program. A handful of students get to study and discuss texts in depth with amazing faculty members, even with academics from other rabbinical schools! We study from Monday through Thursday, and let me tell you: we are having so much fun! Every day is full of laughter; we love what we do. I feel very lucky to be spending my summer with amazing friends who love “nerdy” Jewish stuff as much as I do. I am missing the congregation and cannot wait to find an opportunity to return and pay you all a visit. |