Miriam, RBG, and the Orange on the Seder Plate — New Passover Traditions: Reform and other progressive strains of Judaism are known for their expansive, creative approaches to age-old traditions. In this Adult Ed, we will explore Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (Z”L) modern Pesach commentary, a recent history of expanding inclusivity via the orange on the Seder plate, and the relatively new traditions of Miriam’s Cup and Debbie Friedman’s “Miriam’s Song” as ways of considering how new traditions are expanding the nearly-2,000-year-old practice of the Passover Seder.
Student Rabbi Sivan will lead a Passover-themed Adult Ed on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83544370308?pwd=TG8xZElFYi8wT05lbnNXN2w4SWVJZz09
Miriam, RBG, and the Orange on the Seder Plate — New Passover Traditions: Reform and other progressive strains of Judaism are known for their expansive, creative approaches to age-old traditions. In this Adult Ed, we will explore Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (Z”L) modern Pesach commentary, a recent history of expanding inclusivity via the orange on the Seder plate, and the relatively new traditions of Miriam’s Cup and Debbie Friedman’s “Miriam’s Song” as ways of considering how new traditions are expanding the nearly-2,000-year-old practice of the Passover Seder.